RPG Author Portfolio

Thiago Rosa
3 min readJul 13, 2021


My name is Thiago Rosa. I’m a bisexual Black Brazilian who specializes in adventure design and character customization. I’ve written for a number of publishers and I’m always willing to take on new challenges.

Previous work

EN Publishing

Archetype Anthology (5e)
Masters of the Wild (5e)
Red Fangs in a White Night (adventure, Pathfinder 1e)
New Paths of Ki (Pathfinder 1e)
Level Up

Flaming Crab Games

Letters from the Flaming Crab: Winged Cavalry (Pathfinder 1e)
The Dragon’s Hoard: Rings, Rods and Staves (Pathfinder 1e)
The Dragon’s Hoard: Wondrous Items (Pathfinder 1e)

Four in Hand Games

Steamscapes: Asia (Savage Worlds)

Wayward Rogues Publishing

Mysterium Magnus: New Occultist Options (Pathfinder 1e)
Tales From The Laughing Dragon Inn (Pathfinder 1e)

Fat Goblin Games

CLASSified: Astra (Pathfinder 1e)

Third Eye Games

Empire’s Reign (Ninja Crusade 2e)
Part-Time Gods 2nd Edition


Karyu Densetsu (in Portuguese)
Ranger Conclave: Reaver (5e)
The Manslayer: Martial Archetype (5e)
Way of the Shadow Sun: Monastic Tradition (5e)
Dhampir: Playable Race (5e)

Jambô Editora

Revista Dragão Brasil (in Portuguese)
Jornada Heroica: Coração de Rubi (Tormenta20, in Portuguese)

Editora Retropunk

Fuga de Angra Zero (adventure, Savage Worlds, in Portuguese)
Peste em Pearville (adventure, Mouseguard, in Portuguese)
Presas Vermelhas em uma Noite Branca (adventure, 5e, in Portuguese)
Engenho do Extermínio (adventure, 5e, in Portuguese)

Writing Samples

Level Up — EN Publishing

Eye for Detail

Requirement: Proficiency with the Insight skill

You notice patterns others cannot. As an action, you can spend 1 exertion to study a creature you have watched speak for at least 1 minute. You can ask the Narrator one of these questions:

* Is the creature hiding any strong emotions?
* Does the creature have a secret agenda?
* Did the creature lie in the last minute?
* Is the creature hiding their true heritage and/or culture?

The Narrator must give you a truthful answer.

Empire’s Reign — Third Eye Games

Way of the Sword’s Heart
Level One: Where does the warrior end and where does the sword begin? For an initiate of this Way, there is no answer. The Silver Blade meditates briefly, blade in hand, creating a spiritual connection between warrior and sword. Make a Simple (1) Fighting + Intuition check. They gain +1 Fighting and cannot be disarmed of that blade by any circumstance for a number of Rounds equal to successes gained.
Level Two: A precise and deadly strike, known to be able to cut a bird in mid-flight. The Silver Blade cuts from above to below and immediately reverses the
attack, cutting again from below to above. The attack deals +2 damage and the enemy defends against it with a -2 penalty. This attack can only be used if the warrior has bonded with their sword, and after it is used, the bond is broken.
Level Three: This extremely deadly technique is a horizontal cut that strikes the left shoulder, neck and right shoulder at the same time. The attack deals +3 damage, and enemies who survive suffer a Bleeding 3 Condition. This attack can only be used if the Silver Blade has bonded with his sword, and after it is used, the bond is broken.

Tales from the Laughing Dragon Inn —Wayward Rogues Publishing

Plot Synopsis

This is an urban adventure that can be easily placed in a big city in your favorite campaign setting.

Aurora and Caesar are lovers. Aurora’s father, Doctor Damiel, is a respected alchemist in the city and wanted his daughter to marry a noble. He is firmly against their romance.

Aurora and Caesar decided to get married in secret, but Damiel found out. Disguising himself as Caesar with a disguise self potion, he tried to scare his daughter so that she would give up on the marriage. His plan worked too well: she was so scared she ran away. He followed her as she ran, tried to scare her even further, until she fell from a ledge and died.

Damiel wanted to revive his daughter and was studying how to do so with alchemy, but before his studies were complete, she came back on her own as a revenant, filled with hatred for the man she thought of as her killer.

Seeing this as an opportunity to toy with the man he hates while he looks for a way to revive his daughter, Damiel has been creating alchemical undead. He convinced the revenant of his daughter that he is going to aid in her vengeance, giving her magical items — including a mask to stop Caesar from identifying her.

Still grieving the recent death of his beloved, barely surviving the first attack, Caesar hires a band of adventurers to try to make it through the night.



Thiago Rosa

Redator e game designer na Jambô Editora. Autor de Karyu Densetsu.